Look over In the Language of Scorpions

In the Language of Scorpions
By:Charles Allen Gramlich
Published on 2011-12 by Wildside Press LLC


THIRTY TALES OF MODERN HORROR--In his newest collection, Charles Allen Gramlich, who has a Ph.D. in psychology, explores the dark territory of modern horror, from monsters, to serial killers, to the surreal landscapes of the insane mind. |He climbed toward wakefulness through scarlet-tinted dreams, rising up to a morning that burned pink outside his window, like watermelon flesh. A hundred images cracked and ran as the dream period ended and heavy lids shuttered back over eyes that were yellow-brown scars in an otherwise pale face. The empty pupils dilated suddenly with pleasure as he slid from beneath sticky wet sheets and stood looking down, his body finger-painted red.| ******* |There were eyes in the canvas that I had never drawn--eyes full of dark wings and teeth. There were round mouths open to the night air, and bloody tongues whose dance burned with holy words. And in the wastelands of the unfilled canvas were ruins whose outlines I could not yet trace. I knew only that they held a bitter rapture and smelled of ashes.|

This Book was ranked at 34 by Google Books for keyword Horror.

Book ID of In the Language of Scorpions's Books is JLVebV3H3t8C, Book which was written byCharles Allen Gramlichhave ETAG "vYUuFo9EC8A"

Book which was published by Wildside Press LLC since 2011-12 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781434444110 and ISBN 10 Code is 1434444112

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Book which have "244 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryFiction

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Colm Tóibíd, this award-winning article writer of Your Become an expert inand Brooklyn, changes the treatment at the elaborate connections between daddies and sons—particularly typically the stresses regarding the fictional new york giants Oscar Wilde, Louis Joyce, W.B. Yeats, and even his or her's fathers. Wilde loathed her dad, however acknowledged that they were significantly alike. Joyce's gregarious parent drove this young man right from Eire due to your boyfriend's volatile poise as well as drinking. Despite the fact that Yeats's pops, a plumber, appeared to be plainly an awesome conversationalist whose gossip was basically alot more svelte as opposed to pictures your puppy produced. A lot of these widely known fellas and also daddies who seem to served shape him or her can come with your life within Tóibín's retelling, as do Dublin's splendid inhabitants.
